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Mount Union PANCE Results

In order to become a certified physician assistant, all students must pass the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE). PANCE is a computerized, multiple-choice test that assesses students' practical medical and surgical knowledge.

Class Year # of First-Time Takers   Program First-Time Taker Pass Rate National First-Time Taker Pass Rate
2015 30 100% 96%
2016 28 96% 96%
2017 34 97% 97%
2018 37 100% 98%
2019 38 95% 93%
2020 36 92% 95%
2021 38 95% 93%
2022 40 83% 92%
2023 38 97% TBD

Five-Year First Time Taker Average Pass Rate for Program: 92%
Five-Year National First-Time Taker Average: 94%

View the Official UMU PANCE Report

View the PANCE  Exam Performance Summary Report